Friday, June 19, 2009

Shop-a-Holic to DIY Queen

A trip down memory lane....

Getting my hair done whenever I wanted, buying the iPhone right when it came out, buying clothes, coach bags, and spoiling my family, and never wearing the same dress twice were just some of the luxuries that came with being a bartender. The $450 tip nights, working doubles and making a mortgage in 3 days came with the territory. Those nights are long gone...

Due to rough economic times, jobs were cut, and cut, and cut. Now I am working 15 hours a week or less as a BACKWAITER in a new Italian restaraunt in town. From being the star of the show that EVERYONE who's ANYONE came to see, to being a shadow of a server clearing plates and filling waters isn't exactly the life I want to live. So, my roots grow out, my clothes remain un-updated, and playtime with the fam includes anything that is free.

So I've had to rethink my lifestyle which includes:

*Making my own hair accessories
*Holding a clothes swap (which is actually very fun)
*Looking for furniture and other things we need on (my favorite recycling site)
*trading lessons for the family ( I do arts & crafts, another parent does piano, etc)
*Taking all our bottles and cans to a redemption center

What do you do to cutback spending that also helps the environment by recycling??

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